Garth Walker

GarthGarth Walker (South Africa) founded two of South Africa’s best-known graphic design studios. Mister Walker works in the corporate sector for many of SA’s best known brands on both large and small projects across a wide range of disciplines. But Garth’s real interest lies is in “what makes me African – and what does that look like?” This forms the basis for much of his personal work. Since 1995 he has published his experimental studio graphics magazine ijusi, to world-wide acclaim. The non-commercial magazine provides a platform for creatives globally to explore their own personal views on the African experience. Widely regarded as the pioneer of post 1994 ‘South African rooted graphic design’, Garth has taken the gospel of African creativity to conferences and workshops in more than 20 countries on all 5 continents. His image archive on South African vernacular street and township design is the largest extant. Garth is a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), a Trustee of the AGI Foundation, British Design & Art Direction (D&AD), The Type Directors Club (TDC NY) and The St Moritz Design Summit. He is a founding Trustee of the South African Brand Design Council (BDC).

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